CollaBEERation 2020 goes VIRTUAL

Hello friends, 
When S&B originally postponed CollaBEERation we had hoped that it would end in a postponement to a later date in July. In looking at the current regulations and restrictions in place now, we feel that it is in our community’s best interest to go to a virtual edition of the race this year. 

Although we are of course disappointed (because ya’ll are the best and we love to throw a good party for you!) we also take this as an opportunity to challenge ourselves to do an above average, outstanding, rad – virtual edition of the race.

We’ve always held ourselves to a higher standard when it comes to races and our virtual edition will be no different. 
We want to throw the radd-iest, swag-iest, most Instagram worthy event that we can – and we are up for a challenge. 
So we hope that you will stay on board with us for the virtual edition of CollaBEERation 2020 as we hold it on the weekend of August 1 & 2. Let me tell ya, it’s gonna be awesome, we’ve got awesome race gear, we are adding extra swag and we are working on how we can bring the beer fest portion to you safely!

Check out the the race website for more info. Please contact us if you were previously registered and would like to defer or donate your registration.

We look forward to hosting you in this virtual event or in another event soon and thank you for continuing your effort to support local!

The S&B Team